
We offer the following;

Single will writing. 
This is a Will written by an individual to document their wishes, and how they would like their estate to be treated when they pass away. However, a single Will is not limited to single people.
Joint will writing.
A joint will is a legal document executed by two (or more) people, which merges their individual wills into a single, combined last will and testament. Like most wills, a joint will lets the will-makers name who will get their property and assets after they die. Joint wills are usually created by married couples.

A codicil is a legal document that acts as a supplement to your last will and testament. In it, you can make changes to your will without having to rewrite your entire original will document.

Change of name deed.
A legal process in which a person officially changes their name.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements or discuss a service that is not listed.